Little Booklets from Yellow
On Questions: A Little Booklet From Yellow
Petter, a Yellow participant, had a question about questions.
It was a prompt we couldn’t resist. So we convened a ‘Sidestream’ session to explore Petter’s questions about questions and invited everyone participating in Yellow to come along.
The result was a rich, varied, thought-provoking conversation. Rather than reaching answers or conclusions, people brought diverse perspectives that created a wealth of different insights, ideas and, inevitably, other questions.
It was something we had to share. So we made a booklet with extracts from that conversation.
Tell all the truth but tell it slant —
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth's superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind —
Emily Dickinson (1263)